More about distill

Read the manual πŸ˜‰

There aren’t many pages in distill docs website so I’d recommend reading all of them if you commit to this website builder.

Follow developments? πŸ‘€

If you start using distill for your website…

Websites for inspiration ✨

Website Source
Scholarly Communication Analytics
RStudio AI Blog
The Mockup Blog by Tom Mock
Michael Clark’s personal website
Antoine Bichat’s personal website

Emi Tanaka’s take on distill (back when the package was called radix) vs Hugo (with blogdown)

A tentative GitHub code search.

A warning about customization ⚠️

A word of warning though: Distill (the original library upon which the R package is based) is strongly opinionated about CSS and sometimes it’s tricky or impossible to change things. Just to say your mileage may vary and if there is something you can’t quite get right there is not likely much we can do about it – JJ Allaire in a GitHub issue.

If you liked distill’s looks but would like further customization, and if you like Hugo that we’ll present in the next section, check out this Distill theme for Hugo.

Where to get help? πŸ‘‹